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A Lengthy Catch-up

Updated: Dec 23, 2018

As this is my first post, I must preface that this will be a longer "about me" than my condensed one on it's inherent page that you can find here. As I stated, I am often kept to myself and to be quite frank, I do not like sharing anything about myself other than the raw physical material. There is a reason why I often do not put captions under my pictures on my personal Instagram, and it's due to the fact that I believe anything other than a physical picture is meaningless to the overall mood, story, and creative process. To you it may not be that deep, but I could care less about anything except the outcome and the personal satisfaction that comes with it.

On a more joyous note, a new hobby of mine is taking part in the gyaru community. I have not had something excite me as much as this new kind of fashion for me in a very long time! Gyaru fashion originates from Japan, but there are many different nationalities of gyaru all over the world, making it a very welcoming but small community to join. Gyaru means "gal" and the overall reasoning for it is to rebel against common society's standards with over-exaggerated features so you can go out and have a really freaking good time. Personally, I have been into this style for about a year, (making me an absolute infant compared to most gyaru in the community) but nevertheless, I am so happy to have made friends all of the world that support what I love to do.

If it wasn't for my new found hobby, I do not think I would have had the greatest year due to my struggle transitioning into college at a young age. I was only seventeen when I entered my first semester, not having a clue on what I wanted to do, and all the while I was going through some sappy stuff that's pointless to be included here. I ended up not doing so hot on my other classes besides english and started to put all my energy into that class because it mattered to me the most. I realized that english is my past, my present, my future and how I communicate with others, so it would be stupid of me to not become an english major. I think of myself as a relatively okay writer, and I am no Hemingway or Gaddis by all means, but I can write smooth and cohesively without a problem. I plan to become an english teacher as soon as I have all my credentials.

A few of my favorite activities at home include playing rhythm games on my phone, talking to friends online, playing Stardew Valley, hanging out with my boyfriend, painting, Figma photography, listening to music, watching youtube, cooking, and of course, taking photos. To be honest, I believe I have too much free time on my hands, but it keeps me grounded and happy. I am very grateful for the time that I have and I never think that I am wasting it just by sitting at home. I do often go out with my mother and shop, eat, and drive everywhere and it makes me happy that she is always willing to be with me.

Lastly, my dream is to live somewhere peaceful in nature where I can grow lots of plants and revolve my diet around what I produce. One day (not in the near future) I want to get rid of all of my materialistic goods including my phone and live till the day I return to the earth in peace. It's ironic that I love shopping and everyday modern conveniences now, but one day I hope to stop relying on it to be happy.

Thank you for reading, I hope you got the sense that you know me better and I hope to continue to write more!

- Gretchen

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